
Our History


King Chulalongkorn (Rama 5) issued a royal decree to establish the “Department of Metals and Land Sciences” under the Ministry of Agriculture on January 1, 1891 (2434 BC), and later relocated to 6 different Ministries according to the modernity, these were the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Royal Treasury, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of National Development. The name was changed to “Department of Mineral Resources” while under the Ministry of National Development. After the governmental reform, on October 3, 2002 (2545 BC), the Department of Mineral Resources was relocated to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Before Governmental Reformation

The Department of Mineral Resources under the Ministry of Industry had 4 responsibilities, these were:

  • Investigate data on geology and geological resources
  • Drill groundwater wells, grant permissions, and administer groundwater development activities according to the Groundwater Act 2520 BC (1977 AC) and relevant acts
  • Grant mineral exploration licenses and mining operation licenses and administer mining activities according to the Mineral Act 2510 BC (1967 AC) and its amendment including relevant acts
  • Grant concessions and administer petroleum enterprises according to the Petroleum Act 2514 BC (1971 AC) and relevant acts

After Governmental Reformation

The Department of Mineral Resources was divided into 4 separate departments determined by its responsibility according to the Ministry, Bureau, and Department Reformation Act 2545 BC (2002 AC) as follows:

  • The Department of Mineral Resources, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • The Department of Groundwater Resources, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • The Department of Primary Industries and Mines, under the Ministry of Industry
  • The Department of Mineral Fuels, under the Ministry of Energy